In addition to the client GUI application, SyncBreeze Server includes a command line tool allowing one to execute
file synchronization commands from an OS shell window. The SyncBreeze command line tool provides power users
and system administrators with the ability to integrate file synchronization capabilities into batch files
and shell scripts. The SyncBreeze command line tool is located in <ProductDir>/bin directory.
Command Line Utility Server Commands:
syncbreeze -server_status
Shows the SyncBreeze server status.
syncbreeze -server_show_commands
Shows file synchronization commands defined in the SyncBreeze Server configuration.
syncbreeze -server_add_command <Sync Command> -source <Dir> -dest <Dir>
Adds a new file synchronization command.
syncbreeze -server_execute_command <Sync Command>
Synchronously executes the specified file synchronization command on the SyncBreeze server.
syncbreeze -server_start_command <Sync Command>
Asynchronously starts the specified file synchronization command on the SyncBreeze server.
syncbreeze -server_pause_command <Sync Command>
Pauses the specified file synchronization command.
syncbreeze -server_stop_command <Sync Command>
Stops the specified file synchronization command.
syncbreeze -server_enable_command_monitor <Sync Command>
Enables the real-time disk change monitor for the specified file synchronization command.
Optional Parameter: [ -monitor <SOURCE | DEST | ALL> ]
Optional Parameter: [ -changes CHANGE-COUNT ]
syncbreeze -server_disable_command_monitor <Sync Command>
Disables the real-time disk change monitor for the specified file synchronization command.
syncbreeze -server_enable_command_timer <Sync Command>
Enables periodic file synchronization for the specified file synchronization command.
Optional Parameter: [ -time TIME-VALUE ]
Optional Parameter: [ -units <MIN | HOUR> ]
syncbreeze -server_disable_command_timer <Sync Command>
Disables periodic file synchronization for the specified file synchronization command.
syncbreeze -server_enable_command_schedule <Sync Command> -day <All | Week Day> -time <HH:MM:SS>
Enables scheduled file synchronization for the specified file synchronization command.
syncbreeze -server_disable_command_schedule <Sync Command>
Disables scheduled file synchronization for the specified file synchronization command.
syncbreeze -server_command_status <Sync Command>
Shows the status of the specified file synchronization command.
syncbreeze -server_show_debug_log
Shows the Sync Breeze Server debug message log.
syncbreeze -server_clear_debug_log
Clears the SyncBreeze server debug message log.
syncbreeze -server_set_user <User Name>
Sets the server user name. Execute this command locally to reset the user name.
syncbreeze -server_set_password <Password>
Sets the server password. Execute this command locally to reset the password.
syncbreeze -server_set_port <Port Number>
Sets the server control port (default is 9121). After changing the port number restart the server to apply changes.
syncbreeze -server_set_defaults -host <Host Name> -port <Port Number> -user <User Name> -password <Password>
Sets the default server host name, port, user name and password to connect to.
syncbreeze -v
Shows the product major version, minor version, revision and build date.
syncbreeze -help
Shows the command line usage information.