SyncBreeze Server is a dedicated file synchronization server, which runs in the background as a service and is capable of synchronizing disks,
directories, network shares and NAS storage devices in a fully automatic and unattended mode. SyncBreeze Server provides the ability to define
multiple file synchronization commands, schedule periodic file synchronization operations, monitor disks and directories and automatically
trigger file synchronization operations when a user-specified number of file system changes detected.
SyncBreeze Server may be controlled using a full-scale client GUI application and a command line utility locally or via the network. The client
GUI application provides all features available in the desktop product version and additional server-only file synchronization capabilities.
In order to connect to SyncBreeze Server, start the SyncBreeze client GUI application, press the 'Connect' button located on the main toolbar
and specify the host name or an IP address of the server to connect to and enter a SyncBreeze user name and password (the default user name
and password is admin/admin).
Another way to control SyncBreeze Server is to use the SyncBreeze command line utility, which is located in the 'Product Dir\bin' directory.
The SyncBreeze command line utility allows one to start, pause, resume and stop file synchronization commands, view the status of running
file synchronization operations and configure the SyncBreeze server.