By default, SyncBreeze displays a file synchronization preview dialog showing a list of file synchronization actions that should be
performed and allowing one to review file synchronization actions and select/unselect individual file sync actions. The top-level
status pane of the sync preview dialog displays the currently selected number of files and the amount of disk space and the central
pane of the file sync preview dialog displays the list of file synchronization actions to be performed.
For each file synchronization action, the file sync preview dialog displays the type of the file sync action (create, update or delete),
the source file or directory name and the destination file or directory name. In order to view detailed information for a file sync action,
double-click on the required file sync action in the file sync actions view.
The file sync action properties dialog shows the source file name, the source file size, the last modification date of the source file,
the destination file name, the destination file size and the last modification date of the destination file. In order to view a detailed
properties dialog for the destination file, press the 'Destination' button and select the 'View Destination File Properties' menu item.
In order to open the destination directory, press the 'Destination' button and select the 'Open Destination Directory' menu item.
Categorizing and Filtering File Sync Actions
In addition, the file synchronization preview dialog allows one to categorize and filter file synchronization actions by the file extension,
file type, file size, sync action type and the last modification time. In order to change the current file categorization mode, click on
the categorization mode combo box located on the left-center side of the preview dialog and select an appropriate categorization mode.
In order to filter file synchronization actions by one or more file categories, select the required file categories in the bottom view,
press the right mouse button and select the 'Set Filters' menu item. When the file filter is active, all select/unselect operations are
performed on filtered file sync actions allowing one to precisely selected which files to synchronize.
The bottom status bar shows the total number of files and the total amount of disk space in the scanned directories, the number of currently
selected files and the amount of selected disk space and the number of files and the amount of disk space currently displayed in the file
synchronization preview dialog, which may be affected by one or more active file filters. Once finished selecting files to be synchronized,
press the 'Sync' button located in the top-left corner of the file synchronization preview dialog.